
Being A Better Leader

I believe everyone has influence (or leadership) over someone else and I also believe we can all be better leaders than what we are.  Here are ten ways I think will help us become better leaders.  Some of these I feel I do a good job at while there are other areas where I need to make a more conscious effort.

1.  Spend more time reading God’s word than man’s books.  (Note:  There’s nothing wrong with others’ books, but not at the neglect of scripture.)

2.  Spend more time seeking God’s will than my own.  (See #1)

3.  Cast clear vision.

4.  Foster an environment of trust & openness.

5.  Encourage fun and laughter (and initiate it often).

6.  Set aside family time and don’t let work invade that time (Yes, even if you’re in ministry.  I’ll talk more about this in another post.)

7.  Encourage the team around me & continually value the importance of us working together.

8.  Recognize I am not always right and encourage healthy discussions and disagreements.

9.  Create not only an “open door” policy, but an “open life” policy with accountability & checks/balances.

10.  Treat everyone with respect (team member, customer/client, & vendor).

What would you add to this list?

1 Response to “Being A Better Leader”

  1. 1 Larry
    June 7, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    Chris: As I have reflected on your ten criteria for being a good leader over the past few days, I sought to compare them with the life and minstry of jesus a,d I have come to the conclusion that He certainly fulfilled them all with the exception of family life and He seemed to combine that with your next step in which He treated Hid disciples as family. And of course, He was always right, but He did allow disagreement and others to voice their opinions. So I’ve used this lengthy reply to agreeg with you and sum it up by saying that to be a good leader I need to be like Jesus. (Seems like I’ve read that somewhere)

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About Me

I'm the husband of April and dad of two boys (Tad - 9 and Grant - 5) I love talking about Jesus, branding, design, strategy, music, tv, movies, and sports. That doesn't mean I'm knowledgeable about any of those things - but I do like to talk about them.


The opinions, observations, and musings expressed on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Freedom Fellowship Church or anyone else.