Archive for January, 2010


haiti offering

If you were at Freedom Sunday and gave for Haiti relief…thanks!  We raised $1,800 which will all go to Samaritan’s Purse to aid in the relief there.  Praise God!

One thing that was noticed was there were children who were counting out change in bags they brought from home to put in the envelopes.  It’s awesome to see the next generation taking part in helping others and spreading God’s love in such a tangible way.


weekend tradition

When I was growing up, we had a tradition on Saturday morning of cooking pancakes.  My dad would make great pancakes and sometimes would let me flip or pour the batter.  I’ve tried to carry this on with my boys and they love it.  The first thing I showed them when they were little was how to “make the water dance.”  This is where you sprinkle some water on the hot griddle and it bubbles and dances and then disappears.  They still think this is pretty awesome and that I have some Harry Potter-like wizardry (at least until they learn how this is done in science class).

That’s one of our weekend traditions.  What are some of yours?  Either from your childhood or some you do now.  I really want to know.  Leave me a comment and let’s share.



I’m sure you are aware of the death, chaos, and destruction in Haiti as a result of the earthquake a couple of weeks ago.  I read this morning where they are still feeling aftershocks (the most recent one I heard about measured 6.1).

This week at Freedom, we have an opportunity to make a difference.  There will be envelopes available for you to give to the relief efforts in Haiti.  We are partnering with Samaritan’s Purse to do this and 100% of what you give will go to them for that purpose.

Be praying about WHAT you should give…not IF you should give. We are already commanded in Scripture to give to those who are hurting and we all have the ability to give SOMETHING.

I believe God can do something HUGE through you and your gifts!  Don’t miss this opportunity.



If you’re a child of the 80’s like I am, you’ll remember this video and the original song.  Someone with a lot of time and creativity rewrote the lyrics to literally follow the video.  I think it’s pretty funny.



I’m sure many of you have made some sort of resolution for the new year.  I used to do that, but found that I never kept them so I quit.  This year, I’m going to try something new.  I’m going to try having a keyword for the year.  The concept is simple:  find a word that will hopefully become an integral part of what I do this year.  Something easy to remember and something I can keep a constant check on if I’m doing it or not.  I think I’ve found such a word for 2010:


You see, it’s easy for me to get locked in to what I do every day and never share – not just material things, but stories of life change, my faith, time, emotions, skills – and the list goes on.  It’s not that I haven’t wanted to share – I just haven’t made the conscious effort or seized the opportunity to do it.

My goal is to make 2010 the year of sharing.  Obviously, there are limitations to what I am able to share or how much I can, but I can be much more aware than I have been.  I can look at situations or circumstances I am in and ask myself the question:  What do I need to share in this?  How can I share with this person?

If you haven’t made a resolution yet, try this.  Maybe it will work for you.  If you’d like to share (no pun intended) what yours is, write it in the comments.


2009 at freedom fellowship

2009 was an exciting year of growth at Freedom Fellowship.  I won’t spoil it for you, so be sure to go here to read all about it.


optimistic or hopeful?

Which are you?  Consider what Rick Warren says:

Optimism is psychological; hope is theological. Optimism focuses on what you think you can do. Hope trusts in what God can do.

He goes on to say that optimism says, “It’s not so bad” while hope says, “It IS bad, but I believe and trust in God.”

As many of you know, I was laid off in February 2009 and have not had full-time employment since.  I’ve looked for jobs, interviewed for jobs, and held part-time jobs (and continue to do that).  At first, I was optimistic about me finding a job – UNTIL I realized it is out of my hands!  That’s when optimism turned to HOPE!  God is in control – of EVERY situation and EVERY circumstance.  It doesn’t mean I should just sit idly by waiting for God to move.  I’m quite certain God doesn’t tell us to do NOTHING.  In fact, I AM sure He uses situations to reveal His purpose and will in our lives.  So, we must be ready and moving when circumstances arise so we don’t miss what He has planned.

Andy Stanley says this means “I need to do everything I can do, then allow God to do what only He can do.”

I need to constantly rest in the HOPE I have in God – not the OPTIMISM I may feel.  How about you?  Are you optimistic or hopeful?  As for me, I’m going to stick with hope.


music matters

I saw a post on one of the blogs from North Point Community Church and Andy Stanley said the following about music.  I hope it’s as encouraging to those who play or sing in their churches each week as it was to me.

Before I was a pastor, I was a rock star. There is perhaps some debate in the Greater Atlanta area as to whether I ever attained “rock star status,” but that’s neither here nor there. I was in a band. I was a musician. We released a cassette tape.

It’s been years since I picked up an instrument, but I’m still convinced that there’s something inescapable about music. It transforms words into lyrics. It changes walls into bridges. It turns listening ears into listening hearts.

As a performer, as a listener, as a visitor who might end up in a most unexpected place on a Sunday morning, music has a transformational power. And it moves people in ways that even the best communicator cannot.

Music matters.

It’s not just songs. Or musicians. Or lights and equipment. Music is much more than that. Music is a doorway to worship.

About Me

I'm the husband of April and dad of two boys (Tad - 9 and Grant - 5) I love talking about Jesus, branding, design, strategy, music, tv, movies, and sports. That doesn't mean I'm knowledgeable about any of those things - but I do like to talk about them.


The opinions, observations, and musings expressed on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Freedom Fellowship Church or anyone else.