Archive for February, 2010


god bless you, chick-fil-a

If you’re as much a fan as I am of Chick-fil-A, then this tribute from Tim Hawkins will make you teary (maybe from laughing).  Enjoy!


lessons from the olympics

Here are a few things I’ve picked up on watching the Olympics that I think we can apply to our lives:

Perseverance – Some of these athletes have had immense tragedy in their lives, even as late as this week, or have overcome incredible obstacles to get where they are today.  Yet they press on toward their goal.  How easy would it be for them to give up?  None of us would blame them – but they haven’t.

Attitude – I’ve witnessed some great sportsmanship (and some not so great) and positive attitudes, even after a loss or not quite reaching the coveted gold medal spot.  How much do we whine when things don’t go exactly as planned?

Balance – I have enjoyed seeing what else these athletes do in their spare time and that they have a life outside of the sport where they excel.  They aren’t so hyper-focused that they’ve lost sight of family or fun or other things.

You’re never too young (or old) to succeed. From teenagers to 40-ish, they haven’t listened to what the world tells them is their window of opportunity.

Selflessness – Even going head to head with someone from their own country, we’ve witnessed athletes laying down their pride to root for or congratulate their teammate.

Dedication – Many of them have spent their lifetime so far trying to reach this goal.  Why?  Because they’re passionate, driven, and love what they do.

What can we learn from this?  How can we apply it to our lives or our faith?  What are some lessons you have learned?  Go.


friday thoughts

I don’t know about you, but I’m really anticipating the snow that is supposedly coming today.  A few weeks ago when my friends 30 minutes north of me got 2 inches, we didn’t get enough to even measure.  If there’s enough at 10:00 or 11:00 tonight, you may find us out playing in it.

I’m also anticipating Freedom Fellowship on Sunday.  If you’re coming, great.  Now bring someone with you.  If you’re not coming, then why not?  Come on!  It’s going to be awesome.

Most of you know I have the incredible privilege of leading the music at Freedom.  I have to tell you – I’m consistently amazed at the incredible level of talent and lack of ego that our musicians have.  These men and women are true servants – bringing their talent to God to be used however He wants.  I have to be one of the most blessed worship leaders on the planet.  They are the best!

On another note, I’m not a big fan of the vinyl stickers that show how many people and pets you have in your household.  (If you have those on your car…well, I’m not hatin, I’m just sayin’.)  Anyway, I saw a car driving into downtown today that had those stickers but it only had a lady and then 4 cat stickers.  Ladies, if you’re single and you have 4 cats, don’t advertise that on I-385.  Again, I’m just sayin’.  I looked for the “Single Forever” sticker but didn’t see it.

Y’all have a great weekend.


super bowl

This week is the Super Bowl.  If you go to Freedom, be sure to check out our Facebook page and show up at one of the houses hosting a party this year.  Really…just show up.  There will be plenty of food and a good time.

In the meantime, check out this video for some Super Bowl fun.


not my universe

When things aren’t going my way or I think that life isn’t “fair”, I tend to blame God.  After all, it’s His universe and, therefore, His fault, right?  He created it.  Of course…it was from NOTHING.  As a matter of fact, he SPOKE it into existence. When’s the last time I spoke anything into existence?  (I’ll give you a hint – never.)

I’m reminded often that I didn’t create the universe, or me, or anything for that matter.  I couldn’t if I wanted to.  So, why do I blame God?  It’s His universe, right?  Shouldn’t He be able to do what He wants with His universe and His creation?  If it was mine, I could do what I wanted to do, right?

So when I create a universe, I will do whatever I want.  In the meantime, I must submit to God’s authority and be thankful He loves me as much as He does, and thankful I don’t get what I actually deserve.  (And I won’t hold my breath waiting for my chance to create a universe.)

About Me

I'm the husband of April and dad of two boys (Tad - 9 and Grant - 5) I love talking about Jesus, branding, design, strategy, music, tv, movies, and sports. That doesn't mean I'm knowledgeable about any of those things - but I do like to talk about them.


The opinions, observations, and musings expressed on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Freedom Fellowship Church or anyone else.