Archive for May, 2009


my new pastor

Ok, so my new pastor, Cliff Marshall, posted an announcement about me joining the staff at Freedom Fellowship.  When you read it, you can see that we’re going to get along just fine.  He’s a funny dude.  (But my blog looks much better than his.)

Read his post here.


Lessons from a Five Year Old

Today was the first day in a while I’ve spent alone with my five year old son.   As a family, we spend most Saturdays together and I’ve spent short periods of time alone with each of my two boys, but rarely have I gotten to spend an entire day with one of them.   As a result, I learned some valuable lessons from him today that I thought I would share here:

1.  Laugh hard at least once a day.  There is nothing like hearing a belly laugh from a child – especially yours.  We had several of these together today.

2.  Learn something new.  I taught him the game Toss Up, which is a fun little dice game.  Even though the box said it was for ages 8 & up, he picked it up quickly (and ALMOST beat me!).  He shows no hesitation in learning – he soaks it up!

3.  Be spontaneous.  Whether it’s a song that pops in your head, a chance to step in a puddle, or just dancing to the music that’s in your head, go for it.  Sure, other people might think you’re strange, but chances are they aren’t having near as much fun as you.

4.  Hug those you love often.  I must have gotten 100 hugs today at least!  Most were unprovoked and BIG bear hugs.  His love language is definitely touch.

5.  Say “I love you” for no reason.  This one kind of goes along with the previous one, but I thought it warranted its own number.   There were a couple of times today he just looked at me and said “I love you, Daddy” for no apparent reason.  He wasn’t trying to butter me up to get something – he was just genuinely letting me know how he felt at the moment.

In case you couldn’t tell, it was a great day.  We have all day tomorrow together, too.  I wonder what we’ll get into.  🙂


Something New Is Happening

As many of you know, I was laid off in February and have been looking for a new job. I have ten years of experience in branding, advertising, and marketing and have been looking for something in that field. Some of my other experience includes serving in a part-time role as worship leader at Brookwood Church for nine years, as well as serving on staff full-time as their Communications Director for 2 1/2 years.

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been talking with a local pastor about worship, the vision for his church, etc. As our conversations continued, it became obvious God was working in his heart and mine. In short, I’m joining the staff at Freedom Fellowship in Greer as their worship leader. This is a part-time role and, honestly, not one that I thought I was seeking. As I look back over the last few months, though, I realize how God has been preparing me for this.  I’m also going to be helping them with some branding.

I am PUMPED about what God is doing at Freedom Fellowship and am excited and humbled that He would choose me to be a part of that. I know that God has HUGE plans for this church and cannot believe I get to do this! I ask for your prayers as I begin this journey. There are some exciting things in store and I am praying for wisdom and humility as I seek His face.

God has provided in SO many ways for our family through this time. I am still looking for a full-time position or possibly even some other part-time work that will supplement my income. I appreciate what many of you have done in helping me spiritually, emotionally, and even financially. Please continue to pray and keep your ears open.


Good Christian or Good Christ?

I read an article today that blew me away. Francis Chan, the pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, CA wrote a piece that is rocking my world right now.

According to Chan, instead of asking ourselves “Am I being a good Christian?”, we should be asking “Am I being a good Christ?” So what’s the difference? Here’s what he says:

“We live in a time when the term “Christian” has been so diluted that millions of immoral but nice people genuinely consider themselves “good Christians.” We have reduced the idea of a good Christian to someone who believes in Jesus, loves his or her family, and attends church regularly. Others will label you a good Christian even though your life has no semblance to the way Christ spent His days on earth. Perhaps we should start asking the question: “Am I a good Christ?” In other words, do I look anything like Jesus?”

Our goal should be to walk just as Jesus did (read 1 John 2:6). How many people can look at our lives and say “The day/hour/15 minutes I spent with __________ was the closest thing I’ve ever spent to walking with Jesus.” We should be modeling Christ – His compassion, His love, His sacrifice – not only in words, but action.

Read the entire article here. I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Good Advice for Husbands


Graduation Day

My 5-year old “graduated” from preschool on Thursday. While he doesn’t really understand what that word means, he knows he’s moving from one place to another after the summer. He is so excited about going to elementary school in the fall. I have to admit – I am SO PROUD of him!

While his next step will bring more challenges, new friends, and learning objectives he can’t even grasp yet, he doesn’t see that. He is EXCITED about taking the next step!

We all have one, you know (a next step). It might be spiritual, emotional, physical, related to our career, education, etc. Sometimes the next step is unclear or scary. How often do we embrace that next step? I’d dare say we resist most next steps – even if we know in the long run it will make our lives richer. We think we’re fine where we are – no need to mess up a good thing, right? I don’t know what my “next step” looks like completely, but I have some ideas about what they are in some areas of my life. But how excited am I about taking the next step, or actually moving to change something in my life so I can take the next step?

What would happen if we embraced the next step instead of ignoring it or running from it? What could be accomplished for God? What impact could we have in our world? I challenge you (and me) to quit running from it or ignoring it. Instead, let’s graduate, move forward, and chase them so we can be who we’re intended to be. What’s your next step?



Welcome to my blog!  I know it’s new, but stick around and let’s have some fun and hopefully learn something about each other together.  I hope to write about everything I have a passion for – God, family, worship, branding – as well as observations on life.

About Me

I'm the husband of April and dad of two boys (Tad - 9 and Grant - 5) I love talking about Jesus, branding, design, strategy, music, tv, movies, and sports. That doesn't mean I'm knowledgeable about any of those things - but I do like to talk about them.


The opinions, observations, and musings expressed on this site are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Freedom Fellowship Church or anyone else.